Harvey Jones Channel Improvement Project
The Nature Conservancy has teamed up with several public agencies to improve the outfall and surrounding area of the Harvey Jones Channel located in Corrales, New Mexico. Working together with the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District (MRGCD), Southern Sandoval County Arroyo Flood Control Authority (SSCAFCA), Village of Corrales, City of Rio Rancho, and Bureau of Reclamation, we aim to restore roughly 10 acres of riparian habitat.
Our goals:
Reconnect bosque vegetation to groundwater, lowering the bench elevation
Improve water quality to reduce stormwater pollution entering the Rio Grande
Enhance bird, fish and other wildlife habitat
Reduce stagnant water and mosquito issues
Illustrate the benefits of large-scale green stormwater infrastructure
Demonstrate inter-agency coordination on a public-private partnership project
We’ve gone to construction!
10.29.21 (A) The main channel running form the Harvey Jones outfall east toward the Rio Grande is marked and vegetation is cleared in preparation for earth moving; (B) At the north end of the project looking south at the channel markers; (C) at the south end of the project looking north.
11.04.21 (A) Water truck to help keep dust low; (B) The beginnings of the channel; (C) pile of dirt staged for hauling offsite.
11.12.21 (A) The main channel is starting to take shape; (B) Cottonwood polls cut onsite from trees that were within the new channel alignment and would be removed; (C) Cottonwood polls stored to replanting onsite in February.
12.1.21 (A) Extending the main channel; (B) Establishing the wetland area; (C) Aerial image looking west of the whole project site.
Community Engagement Recordings
If you were unable to attend one of the online community events in early February where we described the project and discussed the purpose and goals, you can watch a recorded version of the presentation or download the slides from the presentation.
Have Comments or Questions?
If you have questions about the project or want to provide comments, please contact Sarah Hurteau, Climate Program Director via email at Sarah.Hurteau@tnc.org or by phone at 505.946.2035.
Project Context & Location
Map of the Montoyas Watershed stormwater runoff collection area that is funneled through the Harvey Jones Channel (identified by the red dot) and released into the Rio Grande. Map provided by SSCAFCA.
The Harvey Jones Channel is located about a half mile south of the Trees of Corrales Wholesale Nursery site on Corrales Road. Roughly 60 square miles of drainage area collects more than 4.4 million gallons of stormwater each year from the Montoyas Watershed which is funneled through the Harvey Jones Channel and released directly to the Rio Grande. Upstream from this outfall, SSCAFCA has invested in multiple structures to help capture pollutants, sediment and trash from reaching the river. This improvement project will be the final stage of stormwater treatment before it reaches the river.
This area is also the outfall of treated wastewater from the City of Rio Rancho. Between 4 - 5 million gallons of treated wastewater is released at this site daily. By utilizing the permanent flow of water, we can re-contour the bank elevation and create secondary channels that will increase wildlife, fish and bird habitat.