
Clean Energy Workshop

© Jim Richardson

© Jim Richardson

On November 28, 2018, The Nature Conservancy convened a bipartisan group of New Mexico state legislators, utility industry representatives, local government officials, and others for a half-day clean energy workshop in Albuquerque, NM.  At the workshop, attendees learned from a team of expert policy faculty in a variety of issue areas, they shared stories with one another and had discussion about making New Mexico more competitive in the clean energy marketplace.  Energy storage, grid modernization, renewable energy, and electric transportation were discussed.  Attendees were also provided with resources to assist in developing state clean energy policy, such as the State Policy Opportunity Tracker (SPOT) for Clean Energy, a 50-state clean energy policy gap analysis.  As well, attendees learned about the Advanced Energy Legislative Tracker, a database that tracks all introduced state clean energy legislation and the Clean Energy Policy Guide for State Legislatures, a guide that outline key policy design.

This workshop represented the first step in The Nature Conservancy’s goal to build a long-term coalition of diverse clean energy stakeholders advocating for policies and supporting projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions in multiple sectors in New Mexico.


